Getting Started

Getting Started

Thoughtfully selected playlists to assist you as you progress in your guitar playing journey.

Getting Started

    Here is an introductory video on how to best use the BGVL website. Thanks for being here!

  • Jazz Guitar 101

    27 items

    A series of 27 lessons consisting of over two hours of content on the very basics of jazz guitar. Here is the course outline:

    1. Introduction
    2. The Left Hand
    3. The Right Hand
    4. Alternate Picking
    5. The Major Scale
    6. Building Triads
    7. Building 7th Chords
    8. Chord Function
    9. Ear Training

  • Stepping Stones - The Fundamentals of Jazz Guitar

    9 items

    A series of 9 Video lessons focusing on the following topics:

    1. The Major Scale
    2. The Harmonic Minor Scale
    3. The Melodic Minor Scale
    4. The Diminished Scale
    5. The Whole Tone Scale
    6. Modes
    7. Chords
    8. Ear Training
    9. Tune Learning

    Each lesson with the exception of the ear training lesson ...

  • Suggested Course of Study

    22 items

    My suggested course of study. Beginning jazz guitarists should start withe the "Jazz Guitar 101" series of lessons. Those of you who already are playing tunes and know some jazz theory should follow this recommended list of lessons.

    PRO TIP: Occasionally do some of the tune based lessons in orde...