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Back Cycling - Essential

The Essential Lesson Bundle • 23m

Up Next in The Essential Lesson Bundle

  • Secret Jazz Chord - Essential

    Without question the idea of the "Secret Jazz Chord" has helped me more than anything to gain fretboard mastery and harmonic confidence. The basis of the idea is simple, I explain it thoroughly by breaking it down into three steps. This is an update to a previous lesson I had done but felt compel...

  • Dominant Chord Study - Essential

    In this lesson I discuss the two types of dominant chords we deal with in jazz tunes, resolving and non resolving. I keep the discussion two the modes of melodic minor but discuss various reharmonizations, and give you 7 pages of melodic and chordal examples. Another essential lesson for understa...

  • A Study in Minor II-Vs - Essential

    In this lesson I discuss the way I approach the minor II-V. I use Dizzy Gillespie's tune Woody'n You as a vehicle for all of the demonstrations. Topics include thinking of the -7b5 chord a s a minor 6, and the usage of pentatonics and the melodic minor scale. This is an eye opening lesson, the ma...